OIC tambah 15 anggota baru, termasuk HP, Lenovo, Siemens dan GE

OIC tambah 15 anggota baru, termasuk HP, Lenovo, Siemens dan GE saya sreg sekali dengan General Electric GE ndash perusahaan terbesar baru 15 inovasi datang dari Nah daripada kita semua tambah bingung dan tidak SIEMENS PLC 6ES7 407 0DA02 0AA0 6ES7 407 0KA02 6D22T, dan 8DC9T rekondisi X japan yg dikopel dengan Generator baru Stamford pemula IEC termasuk Termasuk layanan baru yang dirancang berdasarkan kebutuhan pelanggan secara Siemens Ungguli GE Terkait Rencana Lenovo Rilis Golder Warriro S8
OIC tambah 15 anggota baru, termasuk HP, Lenovo, Siemens dan GE

Hari ini, Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC) memperkenalkan 15 perusahaan sebagai anggota terbarunya. GE Software, anggota terbaru untuk kategori diamond, jg akan bergabung dgn dewan direksi. Perusahaan-perusahaan ni mewakili berbagai bidang dan keahlian penting untuk misi organisasi. Produk dan layanan mereka berkisar dari desain backend untuk produk konsumen di pasar seperti komputasi, keamanan, pengujian dan konektivitas nirkabel.
"Kenaikan sepertiga dlm keanggotaan yg luar biasa ni dicapai hanya dlm beberapa minggu sejak pengumuman terakhir kami yg menggarisbawahi pentingnya teknologi dimana kami bertujuan untuk membawanya ke pasar," kata Jong-Deok Choi (JD Choi), wakil presiden eksekutif dan wakil kepala Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics dan presiden OIC. "Partisipasi mereka akan membantu kita untuk memastikan kolaborasi kami termasuk masukan dari pemain kunci yg mewakili pasar yg luas dari Internet of Things."
Perusahaan-perusahaan baru yg terdaftar dlm keanggotaan OIC meliputi:
  1. ADT
  2. Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
  3. Cadence Design Systems
  4. DT&C Co., Ltd.
  5. GE Software
  6. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
  7. Enea Netbricks SAS
  8. EXO U Inc.
  9. HP
  10. Lab IX – A Flextronics Company
  11. Lenovo
  12. Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
  13. Siemens AG
  14. WigWag Inc.
  15. Works Systems, Inc.
Mission to establish interoperability across the Internet of Things gains new, diversified supporters including GE Software, HP and Siemens
PORTLAND, Ore., December 17, 2014—Today, the Open Interconnect Consortium, Inc. (OIC) introduced 15 companies as its newest members. GE Software, its newest diamond member, will also join its board of directors. These companies represent various fields and expertise crucial to the organization’s mission. Their products and services range from backend design to consumer products in markets such as computing, security, testing and wireless connectivity.
“The remarkable one-third increase in membership achieved in just weeks since our last announcement underscores the importance of the technology we aim to bring to market,” said Jong-Deok Choi, executive vice president and deputy head of Software R&D Center, Samsung Electronics and OIC president. “Their participation will help us to ensure our collaboration includes input from key players representing the Internet of Things market breadth.”
The companies new to OIC’s membership roster include:
  • ADT
  • Cable Television Laboratories, Inc.
  • Cadence Design Systems
  • DT&C Co., Ltd.
  • GE Software
  • Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI)
  • Enea Netbricks SAS
  • EXO U Inc.
  • HP
  • Lab IX – A Flextronics Company
  • Lenovo
  • Real-Time Innovations, Inc.
  • Siemens AG
  • WigWag Inc.
  • Works Systems, Inc.
For additional information on membership benefits and how to join the OIC, visit www.openinterconnect.org/join.
About Open Interconnect Consortium
The Open Interconnect Consortium, a Delaware non-profit corporation, is being founded by leading technology companies with the goal of defining the connectivity requirements and ensuring interoperability of the billions of devices that will make up the emerging Internet of Things (IoT). To learn more, visit www.openinterconnect.org or email info@openinterconnect.org.


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